Movie Screening on Udan by the Film and Documentary Committee

The Film and Documentary Committee successfully hosted a special screening of the movie "Udan" on May 15th, 2024. The event drew a diverse group of students. This gathering showcased the students' keen interest in cinematic storytelling and documentary films, featuring attendees from various undergraduate departments, graduate students with a focus on film studies, and members of the organizing committee. "Udan" is a critically acclaimed film that delves into themes of ambition, resilience, and the socio-cultural dynamics of rural India. The screening was designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of these themes, encouraging them to engage with contemporary social issues as portrayed through the medium of cinema.

Following the screening, a lively discussion session was held where students shared their thoughts and reflections on the film. Key points of discussion included the portrayal of the challenges and aspirations of rural India, the narrative structure and cinematography of the film, and personal connections to the characters and storylines. This discussion allowed students to critically analyze the film and relate its themes to broader social contexts.

The event received positive feedback from participants, who appreciated the opportunity to engage with a meaningful film and expressed a strong interest in future screenings and discussions. The success of the "Udan" screening highlighted the importance of such events in fostering a sense of community among students and providing a platform for insightful conversations about the art of filmmaking.

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