Visit to Swissnex Consulate, Bangalore

On 20.6.24 the Law and Development Committee, organised a visit to the Swissnex Consulate in Bangalore on June 20, 2024. Mr. Jonas Brunschwig, the CEO and Consul General, provided a comprehensive overview of Swissnex, Switzerland, and its relationship with India.

Presentation by the Consulate General:
● Swissnex Introduction: Mr. Brunschwig began by delivering a PowerPoint presentation on Swissnex, its mission, and its role in fostering collaboration between Switzerland and India in education, research, and innovation.
● Switzerland Overview: He provided a general introduction to Switzerland, including its geographic data.
● Swissnex Mission and Vision: Mr. Brunschwig explained Swissnex's mission and vision, highlighting their goals for facilitating innovation and exchange between the two countries.

Recent Developments:
● India-EFTA Trade Agreement (TEPA): He discussed the recently signed India-EFTA Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) on March 10, 2024, and its potential impact on economic ties.
● India-Switzerland Innovation Platform: The presentation also covered the India-Switzerland Innovation Platform, a joint initiative focused on sustainable development solutions.
● Sustainable Development Goals: Mr. Brunschwig highlighted the three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that this platform prioritizes: good health and well-being (SDG 3), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).

Q&A Session:
The presentation concluded with a Q&A session, allowing students and faculty to ask questions and gain further insights from Mr. Brunschwig. This visit provided a valuable opportunity for the Law and Development Committee students to learn about the Swissnex's role in fostering international collaboration and its contribution to achieving sustainable development goals.

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