5th March 2023
St Joseph’s Boy’s High School

On 05.03.2023 there was a meeting with all the office bearers of Alumni Association along with their Jesuit Directors at St. Joseph’s Boy’s High School Auditorium. This Program was themed as “JAAIKAR” and there were almost 22 Jesuit Institutions which took part in this program under the guidance of Rev Fr. Swebert D silva, and the program were engaged by few renowned speakers who addressed the gathering about the relevance to make a Vibrant Alumni association and the objectives of this Alumni Association was discussed. At the outset, few Alumnus of SJCL who witnessed this program along with the Alumni Association Office bearers, they were: 1) Mr. Roshan M. Lobo 2) Mr. Anirudh. C 3) Mr. Vaibhav.R 4) Ms. Berlinda 5) Mr. Karthik 6) Ms. Anu Maria.

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