The students belonging to the AICUF club of St Joseph’s College of Law participated in the AICUF Centenary celebrations that was held in Trichy The celebration began with the holy mass that was celebrated by Bishop Savarimuthu Arockiaraj DD, felicitations and inauguration marked the official start of the celebration. We then delved into program details and practicalities, followed by an ice-breaking session filled with action songs and the AICUF anthem. To celebrate our diverse regions, a vibrant food exhibition showcased famous dishes from each participating state. As the day drew to a close participants immersed in an examen for reflection and a preparatory discussion with Fr. Maxim regarding Karnataka's participation in the upcoming events.

The second day of the AICUF event was meticulously planned to maximize engagement and provide a well-rounded learning experience for attendees. The day began with a holy mass, followed by breakfast and a review of the previous day's activities. To jumpstart the day's learnings, Justice Kurian Joseph delivered a thought-provoking keynote address on relevant issues.

The schedule then transitioned to interactive sessions. Senior AICUF members and former national advisors shared their valuable experiences, while Mrs. Anie Rose, Sr. Roselin, and Miss Jenny Toppo offered unique perspectives on AICUF's role from the state women's viewpoint. After lunch, participants delved deeper into understanding AICUF's regional context through group work facilitated by Fr. Selvin Raj S.J. This session focused on exploring state histories, fostering a spirit of appreciation for the diversity within the organization. A student panel discussion followed, exploring AICUF's contemporary relevance and sparking further engagement. Fr. Maxim emphasized the inclusivity of AICUF, highlighting the universality inherent in the word "Catholic." Sis. Jhansi moderated the panel discussion, and Fr. Maxim also encouraged participants to organize similar programs back in their colleges.

As the day progressed, the focus shifted towards celebrating the vibrant cultures within AICUF. State-wise exhibitions showcased AICUF's rich history, followed by preparations for a cultural program. This program provided a platform for participants from each state to showcase their talents through performances, fostering a sense of unity amidst diversity.

The day concluded with a delicious dinner, a vibrant cultural program, and finally, an Examen for reflection. This introspection allowed participants to learn from their experiences and contributions, promoting both personal growth and collective learning within the AICUF community.

The third day of the program opened with a holy mass led by a multi-state team of priests, fostering a spirit of unity. After a review of the prior day's events, the focus shifted to understanding the challenges faced by young people. Fr. Dion S.J. delivered a session on socio-psycho-spiritual challenges and effective ways to address them. This was followed by Fr. Selvakumar SDB's insightful session on the impact of social media and technology on youth, equipping them with practical guidance for navigating the digital world. A student panel discussion provided a platform for further exploration of these critical issues.

The afternoon celebrated the accomplishments of each state. Divided into two groups, representatives presented reports highlighting their activities from the previous year. This session showcased the diverse initiatives undertaken by AICUF across various regions. Following the reports, a session focused on theme-wise programs, where participants presented posters likely outlining their plans or areas of focus for the future.

As evening approached, students were allowed to express their talents and creativity through dance performances, fostering a sense of camaraderie and joy. The day concluded with an Examen, a period of reflection that allowed participants to process their experiences, learnings, and contributions, promoting both individual growth and collective development within the AICUF community.

The schedule for 4th day began with inter religious prayer read by Sanjana
The theme of the future then took center stage. A session explored "AICUF Towards a New Century: Vision Statements." This discussion involved crafting a roadmap for AICUF's development and goals in the coming years. Commission reports and plans were presented next, followed by state-wise discussions focusing on specific action plans for each region. This ensured a collaborative approach to moving AICUF forward.The official closing ceremony marked a culmination of the convention. A final holy mass held at St. Joseph's Church offered a spiritual closure to the experience.

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