Faculty Workshop on "The 3 New Criminal Laws" organised by IQAC on 6.7.24

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of St. Joseph's College of Law organized a faculty workshop on 6th July 2024 focusing on "The 3 New Criminal Laws." The workshop aimed to elucidate the implications of recently enacted legislation and was well-attended by faculty members eager to deepen their understanding of these legal developments.

Advocate Clifton D Rosario, Manthan Law a distinguished legal expert, served as the keynote speaker for the event. His presentation critically examined the intricacies and lacunae present in the three newly introduced criminal laws. Advocate Rosario provided invaluable insights into the legislative intent behind these laws, their practical implications for legal practitioners, and potential challenges that may arise in their enforcement.

The workshop commenced with an overview of each law, followed by a detailed analysis of specific clauses and provisions that drew attention to ambiguities and areas requiring further clarification. Advocate Rosario's expertise and engaging presentation style facilitated a lively discussion among participants, who actively posed questions and shared their perspectives on the subject matter.

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